Aiden N Evelyn


Aiden N Evelyn是來自馬來西亞的著名口琴二重奏,連續榮獲兩屆《德國世界口琴大賽》冠軍,被譽為亞洲區最著名的口琴二重奏之一。 他們擁有YouTube上觀眾最多的口琴頻道之一。
Aiden N Evelyn經常受邀到國內及海外演出,到過無數個國家及城市巡演,其中包括韓國、 菲律賓、臺灣、朝鮮、中國北京、天津、新加坡等等。 Aiden N Evelyn更獲得多家國際郵輪公司的青睬,受邀到不同的頂級國際郵輪上做巡迴表演,其中包括《皇家加勒比號》、《公主號》、《大洋號》、《銀海號》、《麗晶郵輪》等等,每年吸引上十萬的觀眾現場觀賞Aiden N Evelyn吹奏口琴的魅力, 把馬來西亞的口琴揚名海外。
同時,Aiden & Evelyn也擔任多項國際口琴比賽的評審,包括《亞太口琴藝術節》、《韓國國際口琴大賽》、《德國世界口琴大賽》、《臺灣國際口琴藝術節》等等,是口琴界及音樂界公認性最強之一的口琴家。
他們分別曾與多位馬來西亞著名歌手合作,包括為Namewee黃明志、宇恆、阿牛陳慶祥、林文蓀、周金亮、友弟等專輯錄製口琴配樂。 其中,Aiden孫福泉也曾為由阿牛執導的本地電影 【初戀紅豆冰】配樂。
Aiden & Evelyn於2010年與Fresco口琴重奏團推出【Fresco Harmonica Ensemble】首張同名專輯,及2014年推出首張二重奏專輯 【Eternity Duet】 。 他們也成功在馬來西亞栽培多位亞太口琴冠軍及世界口琴冠軍,被本國喻為最有影響力的口琴家。

Aiden N Evelyn is Asia’s most popular harmonica duo in Asia. They have won the championship of the “World Harmonica Competition" in Germany for two consecutive sessions and have one of the most-watched harmonica channels on YouTube.
They have been invited to perform both domestically and internationally, touring in many countries and cities, including South Korea, the Philippines, Taiwan, North Korea, Beijing, Tianjin, Singapore and many others. They have also been recognized by many international cruise companies and have been invited to perform on top international cruise ships such as Royal Caribbean, Princess, Ocean, Silver Seas, and Viking, attracting over 100,000 audiences each year.
Aiden N Evelyn are also judges for many international harmonica competitions, including the “Asia Pacific Harmonica Festival," "Korea International Harmonica Competition," "World Harmonica Festival," and "Taiwan International Harmonica Festival," and are widely regarded as some of the strongest harmonica players in the music industry.
They have collaborated with many famous Malaysian singers, such as Namewee, Yu Heng, Ah Niu, Suen Lim, Chow Kam Leong, and Yudi, recording harmonica accompaniment for their albums. Aiden also recorded music soundtrack for the local film "Ice Kacang Puppy Love," directed by Ah Niu.
In 2010, Aiden N Evelyn released their first album, "Fresco Harmonica Ensemble," with the Fresco Harmonica Ensemble, and in 2014, they released their first duet album, "Eternity Duet." They have successfully trained many Asia Pacific and world harmonica champions in Malaysia and are regarded as the most influential harmonica players in their country.