和谷泰扶 Yasuo Watani


和谷泰扶,生於日本京都,是當代頂尖半音階口琴演奏家之一。曾於1984年至1988年在德國特羅辛根國立音樂學院跟隨Helmut Herold學習半音階口琴。和谷也曾師從加拿大口琴獨奏家Tommy Reilly。1988年至2002年,和谷應邀在特羅辛根國立音樂學院擔任口琴講師。自2005年起,他在日本洗足學園音樂大學擔任口琴教授,多年來指導過許多年輕一輩的半音階口琴演奏家。和谷也曾受邀在許多口琴比賽和音樂節中擔任裁判,包括世界口琴節和亞太口琴節。

1988年,在荷蘭舉行的「International Harmonica Competition」中獲得第一名和特別獎。1989年於德國舉行的「World Harmonica Festival」上獲得第一名。並於世界各地與樂團合作演出和舉行獨奏音樂會。他還參加了由小澤征爾指揮的新日本愛樂樂團所舉辦的「武満徹電影音樂音樂會」。他獲得了1996年的「村松獎」、1998年的「京都府文化獎奨励賞」和第六屆「バロックザール賞」。


和谷泰扶(わたにやすお、1960年生まれ)は、日本のクロマチックハーモニカ奏者である。京都府京都市に生まれ、1966年に小林忠夫氏に初めてハーモニカのレッスンを受ける。1984年に同志社大学商学部を卒業後、1984年から1988年までドイツのホーナー・コンセルバトリウム・トロッシンゲンでヘルムート・ヘロルド氏にクロマチック ハーモニカを師事。さらにイギリスの名手トミー・ライリー氏にも師事を仰ぐ。1988年から2002年まで、ホーナー・コンセルバトリウムの講師として教壇に立つ。1988年10月、「国際ハーモニカ・コンクール(オランダ)」で第1位及び特別賞を受賞。 1989年10月「第2回ワールド・ハーモニカ・チャンピオンシッ プス(ドイツ)」で第1位受賞。 世界各地でオーケストラとの共演やリサイタルを行う。小澤征爾指揮、新日本フィルハーモニー交響楽団による「武満徹シネミュージックコンサート」に出演。96年「村松賞」、98年「京都府文化賞奨励賞」、「第6回バロック ザール賞」を受賞。


Yasuo Watani, born in Kyoto, Japan, is known as one of the world-leading chromatic harmonica soloists. He studied the chromatic harmonica with Helmuth Herold at the Hohner-Konservatorium Trossingen in Germany from 1984 to 1988. He also learned the harmonica from the Canadian harmonica soloist Tommy Reilly. Watani was invited to stay on as a Lecturer at the Hohner-Konservatorium and taught from 1988 to 2002. Since 2005, he is a Music Professor for harmonica at Senzoku-Gakuen College of Music, Japan. In the past decades, Watani has mentored many chromatic harmonica players of the younger generation. He has been invited to judge at many harmonica competitions and festivals, including World Harmonica Festival and Asia Pacific Harmonica Festival.

He won the First prize and Special prize at the 1988 International Harmonica Competition in Netherlands, first prize at the 1989 World Harmonica Championships in Germany. He has been performing with orchestras and gives recitals all over the world. He performed in the Toru Takemitsu Cine Music concert conducted by Seiji Ozawa and the New Japan Philharmonic Orchestra. He received the Muramatsu Prize in 1996, the Kyoto Prefecture Culture Award Encouragement Prize in 1998, and the 6th Baroque Saal Prize.

In 2012, Watani embarked on a collaboration with cellist Tomoya Kikuchi and pianist Gakuji Arao, who joined him on stage and in the studio as the Yasuo Watani Harmonica Trio. The harmonica-cello-piano trio, the world first of its kind, held its inaugural concert at Asahi Hall on 7 April 2012. The concert was jointly organized by the Asahi Shimbun and the Japan Musical Association. Since the establishment of Yasuo Watani Harmonica Trio, Watani has been actively introducing this performing model by performing with pianists and cellists outside Japan. Watani has also staged numerous solo concerts in many parts of the world including Germany (Düsseldorf), Japan (Tokyo, Kyoto, Kobe and Yokohama), Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, Argentina and Brazil. He has performed as a concert soloist with Wurttemberg Philharmonic Orchestra, Kyoto Symphony Orchestra, Japan Shinsei Symphony Orchestra, Gunma Symphony Orchestra, Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra, Osaka Philharmonic Orchestra, Sendai Philharmonic Orchestra and the New Japan Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Seiji Ozawa.