Gerhard Müller

Gerhard Müller出生於德國的Trossingen。7歲時開始學習口琴,在著名的HOHNER音樂學院接受了指導,也是和谷泰扶就讀的地方。Gerhard Müller已經在著名的Trossingen樂團Hohnerklang擔任獨奏家超過35年,並且是享譽國際的口琴重奏團"Harmonicamento" 的成員。多年來,Gerhard Müller一直在研討會和工作坊中,將豐富的口琴知識傳授給有興趣的學員。
Gerhard Müller將熱情變成了職業,在口琴界的領先企業HOHNER中,擔任產品經理近40年。
作為Fédération Internationale de l'Harmonica (F.I.H)的主席,Gerhard Müller組織了世界上最大的國際口琴節——世界口琴節。
Gerhard Müller was born in Trossingen / Germany. He started playing the harmonica at the age of 7. He took lessons at the famous HOHNER conservatory in Trossingen, where Yasuo Watani also studied. For more than 35 years he has been playing as a soloist in the well-known Orchestra Hohnerklang from Trossingen. He is also a member of the internationally renowned harmonica ensemble "Harmonicamento". Gerhard Müller has been passing on his extensive harmonica knowledge to interested players in seminars and workshops for many years.
He has made his passion his profession and has been working as a product manager for the harmonica world market leader HOHNER for almost 40 years.
As President of the Fédération Internationale de l'Harmonica, he organizes the world's largest international harmonica festival, the World Harmonica Festival in Trossingen / Germany.
Gerhard Müller將熱情變成了職業,在口琴界的領先企業HOHNER中,擔任產品經理近40年。
作為Fédération Internationale de l'Harmonica (F.I.H)的主席,Gerhard Müller組織了世界上最大的國際口琴節——世界口琴節。
Gerhard Müller was born in Trossingen / Germany. He started playing the harmonica at the age of 7. He took lessons at the famous HOHNER conservatory in Trossingen, where Yasuo Watani also studied. For more than 35 years he has been playing as a soloist in the well-known Orchestra Hohnerklang from Trossingen. He is also a member of the internationally renowned harmonica ensemble "Harmonicamento". Gerhard Müller has been passing on his extensive harmonica knowledge to interested players in seminars and workshops for many years.
He has made his passion his profession and has been working as a product manager for the harmonica world market leader HOHNER for almost 40 years.
As President of the Fédération Internationale de l'Harmonica, he organizes the world's largest international harmonica festival, the World Harmonica Festival in Trossingen / Germany.