Marcos Coll

Marcos Coll生於1976年,出生於西班牙馬德里,但很快與家人搬到了西班牙西北部加利西亞地區的聖地亞哥-德孔波斯特拉。他在13歲時開始演奏口琴,受到他的音樂家叔叔和西班牙布魯斯口琴傳奇人物Ñaco Goñi的影響。在與不同的業餘樂隊,如Red Bues Band一起演奏後,他組建了自己的第一支專業樂隊Bluerags。1999年,Coll回到馬德里加入了當時西班牙最著名的布魯斯樂隊Tonky Blues Band。在這支樂隊中,21歲的他有機會與搖滾和布魯斯傳奇人物如米克·泰勒(滾石樂隊)、巴迪·邁爾斯(吉米·亨德里克斯的Band of Gypsys)一起巡演和錄音,甚至與湯姆·瓊斯(Tom Jones)一起演出布魯斯(!)。
在那些豐富經歷的年代過後,Coll準備與他的靈魂兄弟Adrian Costa一起組建自己的樂隊Los Reyes del KO。Los Reyes del KO(直譯為“淘汰王”)很快成為西班牙和歐洲最頂尖的布魯斯樂隊之一,贏得了獎項和認可,與諸如巴迪·蓋伊、約翰尼·溫特、查克·貝里、約翰·梅爾、所羅門·伯克、動物樂隊、羅伯特·克雷等偉人共同演出,甚至出現在加利西亞的高中音樂教科書中。
2004年,Marcos Coll搬到了柏林,在那裡通過著名的德國布魯斯音樂家如Chris Rannenberg和Micha Maass很快成為了該市的布魯斯音樂界的一部分。
作為一名錄音室音樂家,他曾與西班牙國內著名樂隊如Siniestro Total一起錄製專輯,並為電視和無聲電影錄製音樂。雖然Coll並非多產的詞曲作者,但他的一些歌曲曾被用於電視劇和電影,例如墨西哥的票房大片《Suave Patria》或西班牙甲級籃球聯賽球隊Obradoiro CAB的其中一首歌曲的國歌,年輕的Marcos Coll曾在該球隊的青年隊效力。他還曾在西班牙的音樂學校擔任口琴老師,如今在世界各地以西班牙語、英語和德語進行工作坊和大師班。
如今,除了以Marcos Coll Blues Jarana的身份演出外,他還經常與傳奇布魯斯樂手Guitar Crusher合作,以及與他的墨西哥拉丁音樂樂隊Los Mighty Calacas合作,該樂隊已在全球巡演並發行了一張CD,其中還有Charlie Musselwhite等頂尖客座音樂家。
除了與Los Reyes del KO、Los Mighty Calacas和其他合作作品的唱片之外,Coll的雙專輯CD《Under the Wings》也值得關注,它融合了古典布魯斯和更現代的放克、拉丁和嘻哈音樂,回顧了20年的音樂生涯,包括與巴迪·邁爾斯、米克·泰勒、亞倫·伯頓等傳奇人物的錄音。Coll已經在他在歐洲、美洲、亞洲和非洲的巡演中演出《Under the Wings》。
自2014年9月以來,Coll一直在柏林著名的White Trash餐廳和俱樂部主持每週一的Jelly Roll Session。
同樣在2014年,Coll與Ambar Multimedia合作推出了一個現代的網上口琴課程,名為Harp & Soul,迅速吸引了來自世界各地的學生。
在2016年,與意大利吉他手和歌手Stefano Ronchi一起發行了他們的新專輯《Street Preachin》,將傳統的Delta和傳統的布魯斯與嘻哈等現代節奏混合在一起。
2019年,與芝加哥年輕的樂壇新秀Will Jacobs合作,發行了他的第十張唱片《Takin our Time》,在Gaztelupeko Hotsak獲得了很好的評價。同年,Marcos第四次出現在首爾國際口琴節SIHF上。
2022年,他將由Jairo Zavala(Depedro)在Infinity Studios製作的新專輯將推出,他將重溯他的加利西亞、曼切戈和拉丁音樂的根源,大多數歌曲是原創作品。
Marcos Coll was born Madrid (Spain) in 1976 but soon moved with his family to Santiago de Compostela, in the northwestern Spanish region of Galicia. He started playing the harmonica at the age of 13, influenced by his musician uncle and by Spanish blues harp legend Ñaco Goñi. After playing with different amateur bands, such as the Red Bues Band, he formed his first professional band called Bluerags. In 1999 Coll moved back to Madrid to join the most famous Spanish blues band at that time, Tonky Blues Band. With this band, at the age of 21 he had the opportunity of touring and recording with rock and blues legends like Mick Taylor (Rolling Stones ) or Buddy Miles (Jimmy Hendrix Band of Gypsys) and even did a blues gig with Tom Jones(!).
After those years of great experiences, Coll was ready to form his own band, Los Reyes del KO, along with his soul brother, Adrian Costa. Los Reyes del KO (literally, The Knockout Kings) soon became one of the top blues bands in Spain and Europe, earning awards and recognition, sharing bills around the world with such all-time greats as Buddy Guy, Johnny Winter, Chuck Berry, John Mayall, Solomon Burke, the Animals, Robert Cray and the Fabulous Thunderbirds, and even appearing in high school music textbooks in Galicia.
In 2004 Marcos Coll moved to Berlin, where through well-known German blues musicians like Chris Rannenberg and Micha Maass he soon became part of the blues scene in the German capital.
As a studio musician he has recorded with nationally famous Spanish bands such as Siniestro Total, and has recorded music for TV and silent movies. While Coll is not prolific songwriter, some of his songs have been used in TV series and movies, such as Mexico’s blockbuster "Suave Patria,” or the song that is one of the anthems of the Spanish first division basketball team Obradoiro CAB, where the young Marcos Coll played on the junior team. He has also worked as a harmonica teacher in music schools in Spain and today does workshops and gives master-classes all over the world in Spanish, English and German.
As an endorser of the world famous German musical instrument manufacturer Hohner, in 2009 and 2013 Coll performed, conducted a workshop, and was part of the jury at the most prestigious harmonica festival, the World Harmonica Festival, held every four years in Trossingen, Germany.
Nowadays, besides performing as Marcos Coll Blues Jarana, he also works often with the legendary bluesman Guitar Crusher, as well as with his Mexican Latino music band Los Mighty Calacas, which has toured all over the world and has released a CD featuring such top guest musicians as Charlie Musselwhite.
Besides the discography with Los Reyes del KO, Los Mighty Calacas and other collaborations, particular attention should be paid to Coll’s double album CD "Under the Wings,” a mixture of old classic blues and more modern funk, Latin and hip hop, which looks back over a 20-year career and includes recordings with such legends as Buddy Miles, Mick Taylor, Aaron Burton, etc. Coll has presented “Under the Wings” on his tours of Europe, America, Asia and Africa.
Since September 2014 Coll has been hosting his weekly Monday Jelly Roll Session at Berlin’s famous White Trash Restaurant and Club.
Also in 2014, and in collaboration with Ambar Multimedia, Coll launched a modern online harmonica course called Harp & Soul that quickly attracted students from around the world.
In this 2016 along with the italian guitar player and singer Stefano Ronchi they published their new cd ¨Street Preachin" that mixes traditional Delta and traditional blues with modern beats like hip hop.
In 2019 along with the young Chicago scene sensation Will Jacobs, publishes “Takin our Time“ his tenth record with Gaztelupeko Hotsak getting very good reviews. Also in 2019 Marcos makes his fourth appearence at the Seoul International Harmonica Festival SIHF.
In 2022 will be released his new record the was produced by Jairo Zavala (Depedro)at Infinity Studios where he revisited his roots of Galician, Manchego and Latin music and where most of the songs are original compositions..
在那些豐富經歷的年代過後,Coll準備與他的靈魂兄弟Adrian Costa一起組建自己的樂隊Los Reyes del KO。Los Reyes del KO(直譯為“淘汰王”)很快成為西班牙和歐洲最頂尖的布魯斯樂隊之一,贏得了獎項和認可,與諸如巴迪·蓋伊、約翰尼·溫特、查克·貝里、約翰·梅爾、所羅門·伯克、動物樂隊、羅伯特·克雷等偉人共同演出,甚至出現在加利西亞的高中音樂教科書中。
2004年,Marcos Coll搬到了柏林,在那裡通過著名的德國布魯斯音樂家如Chris Rannenberg和Micha Maass很快成為了該市的布魯斯音樂界的一部分。
作為一名錄音室音樂家,他曾與西班牙國內著名樂隊如Siniestro Total一起錄製專輯,並為電視和無聲電影錄製音樂。雖然Coll並非多產的詞曲作者,但他的一些歌曲曾被用於電視劇和電影,例如墨西哥的票房大片《Suave Patria》或西班牙甲級籃球聯賽球隊Obradoiro CAB的其中一首歌曲的國歌,年輕的Marcos Coll曾在該球隊的青年隊效力。他還曾在西班牙的音樂學校擔任口琴老師,如今在世界各地以西班牙語、英語和德語進行工作坊和大師班。
如今,除了以Marcos Coll Blues Jarana的身份演出外,他還經常與傳奇布魯斯樂手Guitar Crusher合作,以及與他的墨西哥拉丁音樂樂隊Los Mighty Calacas合作,該樂隊已在全球巡演並發行了一張CD,其中還有Charlie Musselwhite等頂尖客座音樂家。
除了與Los Reyes del KO、Los Mighty Calacas和其他合作作品的唱片之外,Coll的雙專輯CD《Under the Wings》也值得關注,它融合了古典布魯斯和更現代的放克、拉丁和嘻哈音樂,回顧了20年的音樂生涯,包括與巴迪·邁爾斯、米克·泰勒、亞倫·伯頓等傳奇人物的錄音。Coll已經在他在歐洲、美洲、亞洲和非洲的巡演中演出《Under the Wings》。
自2014年9月以來,Coll一直在柏林著名的White Trash餐廳和俱樂部主持每週一的Jelly Roll Session。
同樣在2014年,Coll與Ambar Multimedia合作推出了一個現代的網上口琴課程,名為Harp & Soul,迅速吸引了來自世界各地的學生。
在2016年,與意大利吉他手和歌手Stefano Ronchi一起發行了他們的新專輯《Street Preachin》,將傳統的Delta和傳統的布魯斯與嘻哈等現代節奏混合在一起。
2019年,與芝加哥年輕的樂壇新秀Will Jacobs合作,發行了他的第十張唱片《Takin our Time》,在Gaztelupeko Hotsak獲得了很好的評價。同年,Marcos第四次出現在首爾國際口琴節SIHF上。
2022年,他將由Jairo Zavala(Depedro)在Infinity Studios製作的新專輯將推出,他將重溯他的加利西亞、曼切戈和拉丁音樂的根源,大多數歌曲是原創作品。
Marcos Coll was born Madrid (Spain) in 1976 but soon moved with his family to Santiago de Compostela, in the northwestern Spanish region of Galicia. He started playing the harmonica at the age of 13, influenced by his musician uncle and by Spanish blues harp legend Ñaco Goñi. After playing with different amateur bands, such as the Red Bues Band, he formed his first professional band called Bluerags. In 1999 Coll moved back to Madrid to join the most famous Spanish blues band at that time, Tonky Blues Band. With this band, at the age of 21 he had the opportunity of touring and recording with rock and blues legends like Mick Taylor (Rolling Stones ) or Buddy Miles (Jimmy Hendrix Band of Gypsys) and even did a blues gig with Tom Jones(!).
After those years of great experiences, Coll was ready to form his own band, Los Reyes del KO, along with his soul brother, Adrian Costa. Los Reyes del KO (literally, The Knockout Kings) soon became one of the top blues bands in Spain and Europe, earning awards and recognition, sharing bills around the world with such all-time greats as Buddy Guy, Johnny Winter, Chuck Berry, John Mayall, Solomon Burke, the Animals, Robert Cray and the Fabulous Thunderbirds, and even appearing in high school music textbooks in Galicia.
In 2004 Marcos Coll moved to Berlin, where through well-known German blues musicians like Chris Rannenberg and Micha Maass he soon became part of the blues scene in the German capital.
As a studio musician he has recorded with nationally famous Spanish bands such as Siniestro Total, and has recorded music for TV and silent movies. While Coll is not prolific songwriter, some of his songs have been used in TV series and movies, such as Mexico’s blockbuster "Suave Patria,” or the song that is one of the anthems of the Spanish first division basketball team Obradoiro CAB, where the young Marcos Coll played on the junior team. He has also worked as a harmonica teacher in music schools in Spain and today does workshops and gives master-classes all over the world in Spanish, English and German.
As an endorser of the world famous German musical instrument manufacturer Hohner, in 2009 and 2013 Coll performed, conducted a workshop, and was part of the jury at the most prestigious harmonica festival, the World Harmonica Festival, held every four years in Trossingen, Germany.
Nowadays, besides performing as Marcos Coll Blues Jarana, he also works often with the legendary bluesman Guitar Crusher, as well as with his Mexican Latino music band Los Mighty Calacas, which has toured all over the world and has released a CD featuring such top guest musicians as Charlie Musselwhite.
Besides the discography with Los Reyes del KO, Los Mighty Calacas and other collaborations, particular attention should be paid to Coll’s double album CD "Under the Wings,” a mixture of old classic blues and more modern funk, Latin and hip hop, which looks back over a 20-year career and includes recordings with such legends as Buddy Miles, Mick Taylor, Aaron Burton, etc. Coll has presented “Under the Wings” on his tours of Europe, America, Asia and Africa.
Since September 2014 Coll has been hosting his weekly Monday Jelly Roll Session at Berlin’s famous White Trash Restaurant and Club.
Also in 2014, and in collaboration with Ambar Multimedia, Coll launched a modern online harmonica course called Harp & Soul that quickly attracted students from around the world.
In this 2016 along with the italian guitar player and singer Stefano Ronchi they published their new cd ¨Street Preachin" that mixes traditional Delta and traditional blues with modern beats like hip hop.
In 2019 along with the young Chicago scene sensation Will Jacobs, publishes “Takin our Time“ his tenth record with Gaztelupeko Hotsak getting very good reviews. Also in 2019 Marcos makes his fourth appearence at the Seoul International Harmonica Festival SIHF.
In 2022 will be released his new record the was produced by Jairo Zavala (Depedro)at Infinity Studios where he revisited his roots of Galician, Manchego and Latin music and where most of the songs are original compositions..